An unexpected spiritual meeting
Three ‘Old Hand’ prints were exhibited at No 3 Snowhill, the Birmingham HQ of BT as a part of an RBSA show.

Theartworks were looked after by corporate security guards. I met one of them, Rashma, when I visited in March 2025. In her security uniform she met me as I entered the space from the lift. Without knowing I was one of the contributing artists she spoke about how good it was to have the exhibition in the building. As she pointed to my 3 Hands prints, she went on to say that out of all the works it is these ones that mean the most to me. I asked why it was she so liked these? ‘They are humaitarian. The are about meaning of life in 3 phases. The mid life use of medications; the geriatric glasses to get you through to old age when you Hand on to the next generation’. I said these are great interpretations of the images. I believe so because I made them. I asked did she know the where the hands came from? They are this one as I pointed to my left hand. She took this info in her stride and continued to talk of the spiritual value the prints inspired. I asked her religion and she said I am a Muslim. I asked how her fasting was going? and she replied: ‘Well as this is the month of Ramadan and we should all show our appreciation of what God has given us. it is good to have these pictures here because people of great wealth use the building and have to know that god gives you wealth and you have to share it with those that may not have enough money to be well and even to eat. i wished her well for ramadan. As we continued to talk i thought of taking a photo of her to make a portrait for her, but I didnt. the conversation was honest and spiritually uplifting it didn’t feel right to make a discreet image. I thanked her for her kind words and suggested I should look at the other artworks. With a calm smile she returned to het security seat and I went to view the exhibition.

As i looked at The pictures Rashma came by on her way to the lift to change her shift and location. i wished her well and she responded similarly. I had thought I might ask her to take her picture by my prints to remember the meeting, and use in this article, but the lift chimed and arrived. As the doors opened I bid her farewell and thanked her for her kind words and as she moved to the lift she nodded to me as if to thank me for my ‘humanitarian’ artwork. I nodded back as she disappeared into the lift.

more about the old hands photogravure series is here