A digital copper engraving App.

An app for Copper Engraving was on my iPad.  I must have downloaded at some point as one does when surfing around the app store for print apps. Announcing itself with the title that references traditional intaglio printmaking technique: ‘Copper Engraving’ is quite a claim for a digital app. It has to be tried. The basic functions include colour, invert and save that can be adjusted with sliders. On a digital screen it delivers engraving-like results which will be reviewed when printed on paper.

Lacie digital engraving #1. from 21CTools

The slider settings offer more subtly than at first appears with etching and engraving depth adjustable allowing the image to be manipulated. An un-engraving like result is possible. Much more like an electronic line image and lines used by Julian Opie and Michael Craig-Martin.

Lacie digital engraving. from 21CTools

By using this technique a new hard disc image is created.

The app is a part of a suite of print simulating apps inc silhouette, comic art, dot art and Art Serigraphy made by Taki Hirata.

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