My eyes used to be fine, in fact very good long and short vision untill I readched 60 years of age when they began to require spectacles to maintain the vision.

My optician arranged for my eye retinas to be scanned to check what state they are in.
She shared them with me as part of her biannual consultation, when I asked if I could have a picture of them. She not only agreed but offered to take them with my phone.
My retinas are healthy but there may be other concerns ahead.
In October 2024 my optician suggested I be reviewed by the catarct surgery team as my spectcle prescribtion could not be enhanced and the developing cataracts were the next stage of retaining vision. At the surgery review the Ophthalmologist said that I have 20/20 vision with my specs, but the cataract in one eye was building up and should be removed as we look to the future.