I enjoy sharing portraits I make with the subject whenever I can. This moment completes the journey from the discreet, secret ‘taking’ of a smart phone photograph of a person to their completed drawn and printed portrait. This could be seen as the final act that completes a circular narrative of maker, portrait and subject and be understood as a moment of forgiveness. Making honest, the dishonest act of digital capture. This methodology is a core element of my PhD Research.
To date subjects have been very happy to have their own print. There is usually a feeling of surprise that a portrait has been drawn and printed unbeknown to them. Responses range from speechless to ‘Comedian’, ‘Thanks’ and hugs. Once the surprise is worked through we usually get down to discussing the how and why behind each portrait and I share my motivation to draw each person. Finally the first edition printed portrait is gifted to the subject, signed, dated and titled by hand in their presence.

Adrian Packer MBE.

Jean Denning. At home with Portrait 2019

Katie B with her portrait 1 year on from the annual garden party when it was begun and she was about to begin her course at the Courtauld Institute of Art.
The Museum and Art Gallery exhibition of portraits was a good opportunity to share with their subjects.