In late 2019 we shared a dinner table with Peter and Sonya. We ate, drank and talked our way through a warm and enjoyable evening. Sitting opposite Sonya I was aware of how she watched attentively, listened intently and participated in the conversation. I made some smart phone photos of her and especially towards the end of the evening when she took up a unique listening position with her hands clasped supporting her head. It seemed to capture how precisely she was listening and warmly engaged.
During Covid Lockdown I pulled up the series of pictures of Sonya, selected one and began a iPad drawing.
The completed drawing was shared digitally with Sonya and who responded:
“I usually dislike images of myself. They never reflect the me I see and of course, this is true because of the mirror thing……..However, I love this! You even got the shot that my sister thinks is ‘me’ and my brother said ‘somehow captured my personality’. I think I must have been truly relaxed and for that we can all thank the company at that dinner party.
Thank you.
Sonya xxx”
It is interesting that she refers to her picture with the photographic term: ‘the shot’. Equally interesting and personally rewarding that her siblings saw her personality in the drawing. I printed it out on a quality paper, stamped, dated, signed and framed it in preparation for a shared Lockdown meal, outside and socially distanced. It was another relaxed and enjoyable occasion begun with presenting Sonya with her drawing.