Building on the carbon dust background tests I have began and introducing tints and varnishes. I have made three portraits applying these techniques. I have been applying subtle colour tints rather than primary colours. Silver, gold and varnish mixed and thin.

I am looking further into these techniques and in particular Chine Collé. Printing with Chine Collé:
Chine Collé is a technique that allows you to add colour to your prints without making another block. Using Chine Collé you are able to print on much finer, more delicate papers which are bonded onto a more sturdy paper during the printing process. Japanese papers are often used but you can try tissue papers, maps, sheet music, even fabric – anything delicate enough to be printed onto. from
I will provide further detail of these experiments in coming posts. One result of a recent test where I did not stop out the border of ‘Herman Geo Tablemaker’ to retain the edge of the mark resist film the drawing was made on. This is not immediately obvious when viewing the print, however once noticed it provides a tactile fine border and reveals some of the process.

For Herman’s portrait I created a charcoal dust background to erase highlights into. However eraser could could not deliver the fine lines required for Herman’s impressive moustache and I used a scalpel blade to achieve the effect.