People involved in the Arts 2017 – 19

People involved in the Arts is a series of drawn serigraphy prints of people I have met, who in one way or another are involved in art, and I wanted to celebrate. Printmaker, Photographer, Furniture Maker, Drawing Artists, Sculptors, Portraitists, CEO’s, Arts and Education Leaders. From Scotland; Northumberland, Shropshire, Birmingham, and Australia.  Prints are drawn using graphite and lead tools on textured transparent ‘mark resist’ or True grain’ film and transferred to silk screen for serigraphic printing on high quality A1 or A0 paper in editions of 5.

Pauline Bailey
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Pauline Bailey
Artist and Black Arts Leader.
Graphite drawing on True Grain. A0 serigraph. 2017
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Artist, 2020
A2 Serigraph from iPad digital drawing
Yuchen 2
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Yuchen Yang
Artist, 2020
A2 Serigraph buff paper
Taiba Akhtar
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Taiba Akhtar
Artist, 2020
A0 Serigraph duotone B&B paper. 84.1 x 118.9cm
Amera Saleh
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Amera Saleh
Voice of the Poets. 2018.
Two-colour serigraph. A1
Brian Travers
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Brian Travers
Saxophonist, UB40
A1 Serigraph Monotone 2019
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'Jacket Man' A0 monotone serigraph, 2020
Katie B
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Katie B &
Katie B and cousin.
A1 Graphite. Serigraph. 2018
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Stonemason. Drawn and Indian ink
Serigraph. 594x420mm. 2017
Vanley Burke
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Vanley Burke
The God Father of Black British Photography.
Vanley Burke. Photographer and Artist.
Graphite drawn Drawn Serigraph. 40″x26″ 2017
Brabie Kdjar
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Barbie Kdjar
Artist. Impact 10 Print Biennale, Santander 2018
nick serota
Richard Demarco
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Curator and Animateur. Edinburgh Festival 2019.
A1 serigraphic monotone.
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Norbury OBE
Creative UK CEO, Birmingham Hippodrome.

Silkscreen, duotone. 2020. A1
lemn sissay
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Sissay OBE
Poet, writer, performer, campaigner, University chancellor and Museum Trustee.
Silkscreen. 2020. A1
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Hermon Green
Creative Carpenter, Balsall Heath
Birmingham UK
Drawn and erased Silkscreen, monotone. 2017. A1
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Amera Saleh, Voice of the Poets. 2 colour Silkscreen. A1 2017

Vanley Burke. Photographer and Artist
Vanley Burke. Photographer and Artist. Drawn Silk Screen  40″ x26″ 2017

Barbie Kdjar, Artist.  A1 Silkscreen canaletto. 2018.
Hermon Green. Creative Carpenter. 2017. A1 Silkscreen.
Sir Nicholas Serota. A1 Silkscreen. 2018
Katie B and cousin. A1 Silkscreen Ironbridge, 2018

Pauline Bailey. Artist. Silkscreen A0. 2017

Meet up after many years. A1 Silk Screen. 2018

Adrian Stonemason. drawn and Indian ink Silkscreen 594x420mm. 2017
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