Participation consent is a major element of ensuring research is robust. As my research requires intimate relationships with the subjects of drawn and printed portraits I have developed a specific consent form for participants.
It is a retrospective consent approach as participation consent request at the onset would defy the rationale for my methodology.
It is Developed from :

Birmingham City PhD Research Consent Form
Below is the outline of participation in the University PhD Research project.
Study title: The drawn serigraph: An investigation through portraiture
Project Summary: This is a long-term PhD research project into the creation of Contemporary Drawn and Printed Portraits that originate from smart phone photographs. The aim of the research is to evaluate the interrelationships between digital photography, analogue drawn marks, silkscreen printmaking and serigraphy that interrogate the boundaries of materiality within the context of contemporary portraiture.
Research participation: Participants are adults working in the arts who generally are known to the artist-researcher. Participants will be photographed, and those photographs are then used as the starting point for an artistic portrait. The portrait will be presented as a limited-edition print to you and followed by an interview by the artist-researcher about your response to the portrait and the project. Participation is entirely voluntary, and non-participation is your choice.
Retrospective consent: For a limited number of participants some of the research portraits may begin from candid smart phone photographs taken without the knowledge of the subject, i.e. yourself. This is to avoid a selfie style or posed image when looking directly at the camera. This approach enables a more natural image to be used to begin the drawn portrait. In this instance when the portrait is complete a finished print will be offered to you. You will be asked if you would like to accept it and if you are content with it. You will also be asked if you are content to sign a consent form recognising your acceptance of your participation in the research and its dissemination.
Right to withdraw: Participation is not presumed and, if retrospective consent is not forthcoming, all research materials and data relating to the participant’s portrait will be destroyed. Participation is entirely voluntary, and non-participation is your choice. You may withdraw at a later date and all material relating to your participation will be destroyed.
Your Data: All of your research data will be stored securely in University digital drives and physical locations.
The drawn serigraph project participant consent form
Please indicate agreement by ticking ‘Y’ boxes,
or do not agree by ticking ‘N’ boxes. Y/N
If you agree with all clauses, please tick here ☐
Consent to participate.
- You have read and understood this information sheet ☐☐
- You have had the opportunity to ask questions ☐☐
- You understand that participation is entirely voluntary ☐☐
- You understand your right to withdraw and have the
right to withdraw at any stage of the study ☐☐
Type of consent. You give consent: (select one option)
- Before having your photograph taken ☐☐
- After your photograph has been taken ☐☐
- Before your Portrait is made ☐☐
- After receiving your portrait ☐☐
- Do you wish to remain anonymous or to use a pseudonym? ☐☐
- You agree that your comments may be audio recorded
for the purpose of research accuracy ☐☐
Your data and research dissemination
- You accept that the printed portrait and the stages of its creation will be used
throughout the research and may be included in the final written thesis ☐☐
- You agree to the portrait being disseminated in formal and informal
situations including public art venues, conferences, symposia, artist talks,
catalogues and publications. ☐☐
- You accept that the portrait may be used in artistic/research
social media channels such as Twitter and Instagram. ☐☐
- You accept that quotations from our conversations regarding the portrait can
be used in the research, the final thesis, agreed artistic/research,
future journal papers, publications and monographs. ☐☐
Signature and date Participant:
Print name:
Signature and date Researcher:
E J Turpie, Tel: 07748766824
Additional Contact: Dr Sian Vaughan. Research Degree Coordinator – Art & Design Birmingham School of Art. Birmingham City University
Birmingham City PhD Research Consent Form can be downloaded